Rabu, 13 April 2011

History of the Kingdom of Gowa

                           According to mythology, before the arrival Tomanurung in place which later became part of the kingdom of Gowa, was formed nine autonomous government called Bate Selapang or Kasuwiyang Salapang (composite / federations). Nine autonomous government is Tombolo, Lakiung, Parang-Parang, Data, Agang Jekne, Bissei, Kalling and Serro. At first, the ninth of this autonomous government coexist peacefully, but, over time, disputes arise because of the kecenderugnan to show courage and spirit of expansion. To resolve this dispute, the ninth of this autonomous government later agreed to elect a leader among those who were given title Paccallaya. It turned out that the rivalry does not end with this agreement, because each area Bate Selapang ambition is to become chairman. In addition, Paccallaya was also not able to solve problems that occur. Until one day, word got out that at a place called Taka Bassia in Bukit Tamalate, attending a daughter who emit light and wearing a beautiful pendant.

          Hearing there was a princess in Taka Basia, Paccallaya and Bate Salapang visit the place, sitting tafakkur around the light. Over time, the light is transformed into a beautiful woman, an unknown name and origin. Therefore, they call it Tomanurung. Then, together Paccallaya Kasuwiyang Tomanurung Salapang said, we all came here to raise you as our king, so good as you settle in our country and sombaku who rule us. After their petition was granted, Paccallaya got up and shouted, “Sombai Karaeng Nu To Gowa” (Serve your King, O people of Gowa).

          Not long later, came the two young men named Karaeng Bayo and Lakipadada, each carrying a chip kelewang. Kasuwiyang Paccallaya and then express their intentions, for Karaeng Bayo and Tomanurung can be married for their descendants can continue to rule the kingdom of Gowa. Kemudain all parties there to make a pledge that essentially regulate the rights, powers and obligations of those who govern and the governed. The provisions apply equally to Bayo Karaeng Tomanurung and disappeared, when their only child born Tumassalangga Baraya. Inlah only child who subsequently inherited the kingdom of Gowa.

          Gowa royal golden age peaked in the sixteenth century that is more popularly known as twin kingdoms of Gowa-Tallo or also called zusterstaten (royal brothers). Dwi Tunggal Kingdom-are formed in the reign of King Gowa IX, Karaeng Tumaparissi Klonna (1510-1545), and this is very difficult to separate because the two kingdoms have declared the pledge together, which is famous in proverb Karaeng Na Sere Ata Rua (Two King tetapai one of the people .) Therefore, the unity of the two kingdoms called Kingdom of Makassar.

           Gowa Kingdom heyday of the role played by Karaeng Patingalloang, ruling the kingdom Mangkubumi 1639-1654. His full name is the first Mangadicinna Daeng Sitaba Sultan Mahmud, son of King Tallo VII, Mallingkaang Daeng Nyonri Karaeng Matowaya. When the King of Tallo I Mappaijo Daeng Manyuru Tallo anointed king, he was only one year. Karaeng Pattingalloang appointed to run its power until I Mappoijo enough age. Therefore, in some documented that Karaeng Pattingalloang is the King of Tallo IX.

          Karaeng Pattingalloang Mengkubumi appointed as the kingdom of Gowa-Tallo in the year 1639-1654, to accompany Malikussaid Sultan, who ruled in 1639-1653. Karaeng Pattingalloang, Butta Tumabbicara inducted into the Kingdom on Saturday, dated June 18, 1639. Obtainment of that office after he succeeded his father Karaeng Matowaya. His current positions Mangkubumi, Karajaan Makassar has become a famous royal and invite the attention of many other countries.

         Karaeng Pattingalloang Gowa is the son of cleverness or skill exceeds the Bugis people of Makassar in general. In the age of 18 he had mastered many languages, including Latin, Greek, Italian, French, Dutch, Arabic, and several other languages. It also deepened cosmography. Dutch Government through its representatives in Batavia in 1652 presented a sphere world (globe) that are specially made in Holland, which is estimated to cost f 12,000. He died on 17 September 1654 in Kampung Bontobiraeng. Before his death he had prepared 500 units that each ship can hold 50 crew members to attack Ambon.

There are five major causes of the collapse of an empire, namely:
1. Punna taenamo naero nipakainga Karaeng Mangguka,
2. Punna taenamo tumanggngaseng thatch Parasangnga ri,
3. Punna taenamo ri gau Lompo Parasanganga thatch,
4. Punna angngallengasemmi Pabbicaraya Soso, and
5. Punna taenamo nakamaseyangi atanna Mangguka.

Which means as follows:
1. If the king who ruled no longer willing advised or warned,
2. If there is no longer the clever scholar in the country,
3. If already too many cases in the country,
4. If already a lot of judges and royal officials like to take a bribe, and
5. If the king who ruled his people no longer cared.

          He died when it joined the ranks of Sultan Hasanuddin against the Dutch. After his death, he later gained the title The people winner in Bonto Biraeng.

          From the standpoint of terminology, there is no chance (consensus) Gowa meaning that explains the origins of the word absorption Gowa. Meaning there are only assumptions and estimates include: first, the word comes from goari Gowa, which means the room or cubicle / perhimpun; second, comes from the cave, which means the hole is related to the initial appearance Tomanurung ri Gowa (King of Gowa I) in the cave / hills Taka Bassia, Tamalate (in Makassar language means not withered), which then politically Gowa word used to integrate the ninth kasuwiang (Bate Salapang) which is under paccallaya federation, which later became the sole power Tomanurung, so Bate Salapang transformation be Gowa Kingdom is estimated to stand at the XIII century (1320)

          Until the reign of King Gowa VIII I Pakere Tau ri Tunnijallo Passukki, the royal government was centered in Taka Bassia (Tamalate) as the palace of the King of Gowa I. Then the king's palace was transferred to the Somba Opu Daeng IX, king of Gowa who holds Mantare Karaeng Mengunungi Tumaparisi Kallonna because it was considered more profitable and strategic as the kingdom is advanced in the economic and political. During this period the kingdom of Gowa began to extend his rule and conquered many surrounding areas including cooperative relationships and agreements with other kingdoms. This lasted until the King of Gowa XII, I Manggorai Daeng Mammeta Karaeng Bonto Langkasa (1565-1590). Ambition is what makes the kingdom of Gowa-Tallo a great empire. Bandar who had become the world's commercial airport stopover highly advanced because it has a range of facilities as appropriate other major countries in XVI and XVII century. At that time the government is running an open political system based on the theory Leberum Mare (seas) that gives business jamina foreign traders. However, the ambition that is what creates competition that is hidden (latent) when they want to hold hegomoni and zuserenitas in Sulewasi, especially the rivalry with the kingdom of Bone. When the competition was heightened, the Netherlands exploit the situation by launching the political divide et impera (divide and control) and apply the monopoly system which is contrary to the principle of mare liberum until the outbreak of war Makassar (1666-1669).
On the other hand, Islam is one reason Bone resistance when trying to introduce Islamic religious Gowa. The effort was initiated by the King of Gowa XV I Mangerangi Daeng Manrabbia Karaeng Lakiung title of Sultan Alauddin Tumenanga ri Gaukanna (1593-1639) who became Muslim on 9 Jumada 1051 H or 20 September 1605. He tried to realize the unification of Sulawesi, but it is not realized until the reign of Sultan Hasanuddin (1653-1669) ended with “Pernjanjian Bungaya” on 18 November 1667 after the Battle of Makassar.

Kingdom Period:
In 1320 the Kingdom of Gowa possible through the approval of the group called Kasuwiyang-Kasuwiyang and a small kingdom that consists of 9 Kasuwiyang namely Kasuwiyang Tombolo, Lakiyung, Samata, Parang-parang, Data, Agang Je'ne, Bisei, Kalling, and Sero.

         At the time of the kingdom, many important events that can be proud of and contain the national image, among others, The Government I Daeng Matanre Karaeng Imannuntungi Karaeng Tumapa'risi Kallonna succeeded in expanding the Kingdom of Gowa through the war by conquering Garassi, Kalling, Parigi, Noon (Pangkaje'ne) Sidenreng, Lempangang, Mandalle and other small kingdoms, so the kingdom of Gowa covering almost the entire plains of South Sulawesi.

          In the leadership Karaeng Tumapa'risi Kallonna tersebutlah Pamatte Daeng name as Tumailalang who doubles as Syahbandar, Makassar has successfully created a script that consists of 18 letters called “Lontara Turiolo”

         In the year 1051 or 1605 H M, Dato Ribandang spreading Islam in the kingdom of Gowa and precisely on 9 Jumada Beginning in 1051 or 20 September 1605 H M, King I Mangerangi Daeng Manrabia states convert to Islam and get the title of Sultan Alauddin. This was followed by King Tallo I Mallingkaang Daeng Nyonri Karaeng Awwalul Katangka with the title of Sultan of Islam and it was he who declare the Friday prayers for the first time.

     King I Mallombasi Daeng Mattawang Karaeng Bontomangape King Mohammed Bakir Sultan Hasanuddin of Gowa to XVI with a degree Roosters from the East, proclaiming the Kingdom of Gowa as a maritime empire that has a formidable fleet of war and most powerful empire in Eastern Indonesia.

          In the year 1653 - 1670, freedom of trade in the high seas remain a line of Gowa discretion under the rule of Sultan Hasanuddin. It has been challenged by the VOC that lead to conflict and hostility that reached its peak when the Sultan Hasanuddin attacked the Dutch position in Buton.

          Due to the ongoing battle between the Kingdom of Gowa with VOCs lead to the collapse of losses from both sides, by the Sultan Hasanuddin through wisdom and humanitarian considerations in order to avoid many of the losses and sacrifices of the people, so with heavy heart that receives a request VOC peace.

          On 18 November 1667 made an agreement known as Treaty Bungaya (Cappaya ri Bungaya). The agreement does not run lasting because on March 9, 1668, the Kingdom of Gowa feel aggrieved. Back to the heroic King of Gowa took up arms against the Dutch ended with the fall of Somba Opu honorably. This event is rooted firmly in the memories of every patriotic Indonesian who fought vigorously to defend their homeland.

         Sultan Hasanuddin swearing is not willing to cooperate with the Netherlands and on June 1, 1669 resigned as King of Gowa to XVI after nearly 16 years against the invaders. On Thursday, June 12, 1670 Sultan Hasanuddin died at the age of 36 years. Thanks to the struggle and his services to the nation and state, then by Presidential Decree No. 1973 087/TK/Tahun November 16, 1973, Sultan Hasanuddin was awarded a National Hero

Source: www.facebook.com/...kabupaten-gowa...sulawesi-selatan/13489816597574