Jumat, 10 Juni 2011

Pakarena Dance

Indeed, no one really knows the history of Pakarena. But from the stories told orally that developed, no doubt about this dance is an expression of folk art Gowa.

According to the artist Nadjamuddin Munasih Pakarena, Pakarena dance originated from the mythical story of the inhabitants boting farewell rainbow (country heaven) with the inhabitants of lino (earth) bygone era. Prior to the moments of separation, boting rainbow lino teach residents about the manner of life, grow crops, raise livestock to hunting through hand movements, body and legs. These movements which later became a ritual dance while residents lino convey his gratitude to the hosts boting rainbow.

As a dimension of ritual art, Pakarena continue to live and support his inner space of Gowa and surrounding communities. Although this was a cultural dance in the palace of Sultan Hasanuddin of Gowa king of the 16th, through the touch I Li'motakontu, the mother of the Emperor. Similarly, when artists pressed Pakarena Islamic purification movement Kahar Muzakar because it was considered contrary to Islam. However this tragedy did not dampen people's hearts to cultivate the activities that are part of life and living that connects them with the Almighty.

Lately the hands of artists the city and local government bureaucrats (government) has been juggling Pakarena into the tourism industry. With the help of artist craftsmen created an aesthetic standard through workshops in order to dinikmatin outsiders. To boost revenue, why. Some artists follow the official standards and local government facility. But some other artists are reluctant to follow because they did not fit the tradition of local custom, although bear the risk of not obtaining the funds local government building or not invited to the performances.

Dg Mile (50 years), for example. Artists Pakarena origin Kalase'rena village, Kec. Lompo goods is relatively firm stance. He is usually looking for ways to circumvent the invitation did not attend the tourism department. Sometimes there is reasonable is itself a ritual ceremony in the village or attending a wedding circumcision and its neighbors, or if you can not refuse then he will demand a condition that his friends are not abandoned after the show.

Another way is somewhat different from shown Sirajuddin Bantam. Anrong Pakarena teachers of this Gowa blatantly refused to appear if there are officials who want to dictate the appearance of the dancers. Even when asked to perform, he does not hesitate to question the show's first purpose and the extent to which benefit his friends. Because he knows there are types of dances that can be on and which can only appear at certain events. Sirajuddin also sometimes ngibulin officials who demand a certain look with a sudden change scenarios dancing alone on stage.

The attitude taken by these artists is not without risk. They should treat tradition Pakarena with a mediocre life without government assistance. Only with the creativity they can compete with urban artists who enjoy the facilities and well-being far above average.

This example belonged to Sirajuddin ingenuity and Dg Mile. Sirajuddin Pakarena documenting their own dances and then introduced it to the public up to foreign countries. Of course he and the artists village which also mengkreasi Pakarena with this. But he was aware of where dance can dikreasi and what is not. "Cooperation commonly used ritual, no need to be displayed. Only Pakarena Bone Balla displayed, "said Sirajuddin this dance studio owner, while explaining that the usual Balla Bone be on the kingdom to greet the guests.

Meanwhile, Dg Mile is also the owner of this studio Sualia prefer tabbing appear alone without relying same local government. At best he and his group would only appear when working with certain NGOs who care about folk art. "All this time I prefer to play with the Background of Nusa when Pakarena want to display art at home and abroad," said Mile Dg NGO name it.

So, apparently the artist has a different understanding about Pakarena. People like Dg Mile and Sirajuddin realize, Pakarena a "marketable" as long as these governments tend to be separated from life, traditions, and meanings that imagined community. That process only benefits the middle class artists in the city and certain interests in government. As the local government wishes to change the tradition in South dancer clothes to fit the norms of a particular religion.

This gave rise to concerns clear. Dg Mile as to explain repeatedly that Pakarena not shirk because addressed to the Almighty. Sirajuddin also requested that the clergy are not using a formalist Shari'a alone in assessing the arts, but the nature or the congregation. "If their understanding is correct, there is no art we are against their religion," said Sirajuddin, as he pointed out in Pakarena passili term which means the artists and equipment sprinkle with a pinch of water to bring good fortune, harmony with religion. "And where else should be given shades of color or religion," said Sirajuddin end the argument.

If you have this, because it becomes depends on who is interpreting. The truth again is in the confidence of comprehension. Not religious or bureaucratic elites who often monopolize meaning. [Coverage by Syamsurijal Adhan]

The attitude of inner silence, full of tenderness, dedicated, that's the impression that implied from gemulainya these dancers movement. Pakarena brought these dancers are cash dance community in South Sulawesi. Each dancer must perform traditional ritual called jajatang, with offerings of rice, kemeyan and candles. This is intended to obtain the smooth throughout the show lasts.

Pakarena local language is derived from the word because that means play. While science shows empty culprit. This dance among the people of Gowa mentradisi which is territory of the former kingdom of Gowa.

It used to be, at the royal ceremonies Pakarena is shown at the Palace. But in its development, is more popular in the community Pakarena among the people. For the people of Gowa, Pakarena existence can not be separated from their daily lives.

Tenderness dominate impression in this dance. It seems clear to mirror real Gowa female character that polite, loyal, obedient and respectful to men, especially against the husband.

Coto Makassar

Coto Makassar also suspected to have been there Somba Opu (center of the Kingdom of Gowa) debuted in 1538 until terhidangkan in the form of food stalls are now several curb. Serving coto Makassar allegedly affected also by the Chinese food that has come in the 16th century, is visible from the chili sauce used tao-co bogaan ketata part of China that affect the culture ketata bogaan Makassar

Coto Makassar this dish, in a modern flow is classified as a soup dish. When in the tradition of the history of European society that emerged in the era before the industrial revolution in England, soup paired with bread as a booster stomach at night. So Coto Makassar also has become food for the royal guards to fill the stomach at dawn the day before on duty early in the morning day.

Coto Makassar was considered bland when not accompanied by a diamond or burasa. Easement enjoy coto Makassar not apart from the tradition peramuaanya specifically processed in pot soil called or uring Butta Butta surroundings and with rampah patang Pulo (40 kinds of herbs), which consists of peanut, hazelnut, clove, nutmeg, foeli, who sere finely ground, galangal, pepper, onion, garlic, cumin, coriander red, white coriander, ginger, laos, lime leaves, bay leaf, turmeric leaf, green onion, leaf seldri, unhampered leaves, red chilies, green chilies, Talla sugar, tamarind, cinnamon, salt, young papaya to soften the meat, and chalk to clean jerohan.

Typically the strong flavor of the herb rempahnya coto Makassar who also serves as an antidote to the substance contained cholesterol in the liver, tripe, heart, etc. Affluent. This unique flavor of the allegedly bahwak existence tripe soup from Madura, Tegal soto, soto Betawi, inspired by coto Makassar because formerly carried by the sailors kedaerah forging another tsoto are thus suspected that coto Makassar be "older" than the soup at Persada this archipelago.

In Makassar, Coto presented with a variety of prices. From start to USD. 3.500, - per bowl up to Rp. 7000, -, depending on the merchant class. Some of the most well-known merchants such as Coto Coto Crow, Coto Coto Paraikatte Latimojong and is usually packed with visitors since the early morning at around 7. Coto shops are usually open until evening. There are also some stalls who specializes open at night until morning came, his name Coto Bagadang (stay up). The best time to eat Coto it is in the morning until noon, or night until midnight. But that's not the main criterion, because Coto could actually be eaten anytime.

Who does not know coto Makassar. It was very thick beef, spicy, and not too watery. this food can always be found on street corners. However, if you have appetite by coto this one, please make your own, because we have been providing prescription terenak of this coto. Good luck.
• 500 grams of beef, brisket
• 500 grams of tripe, hard boiled
• 300 grams of beef liver, hard boiled
• 200 grams of beef heart, hard boiled
• 5 tablespoons galangal lemongrass crushed memarkan4
• 2 cm ginger crushed
• 5 bay leaves
• 250 grams of peanuts, fried puree
• 2.5 liters of water washing rice / starch
• 1 tablespoon seasoning powder flavor beef broth
• 6 tablespoons vegetable oil
• 10 cloves garlic,
• 8 cloves roasted hazelnut sangrai1 tablespoon coriander
• 1 teaspoon toasted cumin
• 1 tsp salt and
• 1 tsp pepper granules
Complement: fried onions, sliced green onion and sliced celery, chilli taocoHaluskan: 10 onions, 5 cloves garlic, 10 curly chili boiled briefly, 100 grams taoco, saute with 6 tablespoons vegetable oil until cooked, puree add the salt and brown sugar


Sultan Hasanuddin (1629-1670) King of Gowa who devotes all his life to struggle against the Dutch colonizers. Tomb of Sultan Hasanuddin on top of the hill "kale Gowa" katangka village, district of Somba Opu, the tomb complex of the kings of Gowa. Not far from the tomb there is a stone called the stone "pallantikang" (Takabassia) as a place of inauguration / coronation of the kings of Gowa, and the stone was the initial appearance of a woman who fell from the sky (heaven) and became the first king of Gowa called (Tumanurung Bainea) after the ancient kingdom of Gowa.
Whitewater palakka is a king who ruled the kingdom of bone in the reign of Sultan hasanuddin as the king of Gowa, in areas other ancient tomb is the tomb of one of them Karaeng pattingaloang he is the king of Gowa who was famous as a prominent scholar of his time. The location of this area is located about 200 meters from the road axis-Sungguminasa Makassar beyond the city gate to the left.

Somba Opu built by the kings of Gowa to IX Dg Matanre Tumapparisi Kallonna the XIV century (1550 - 1650) which is the center of the kingdom of Gowa and one of the city's largest airport in Southeast Asia of its time. Somba Opu is a historical relic from the past mighty kingdoms in South Sulawesi. Now the region Somba Opu made miniature cultural center and has built a variety of traditional home of all ethnic / ethnic nation in south Sulawesi where each custom house describe the culture of each.

Katangka old mosque situated in the village of Somba Opu katangka district about ± 500 meters from the location of the tomb of sheikh yusuf complex to the east. This Mosque is the oldest mosque in south Sulawesi, was built during the reign of the king of Gowa to Sultan Alauddin XIV in 1603, an old mosque in the area this region there are some ancient tomb kings of Gowa, several royal princes and noblemen of the descendants of Gowa.

Sheikh Yusuf was a great scholar who once owned the kingdom of Gowa, fragrance, his name and his struggle known in Indonesia and even the world. Yusuf sheikh who holds Tuanta salamaka become part of history of the kingdom of offerings and the southern African country, he was highly regarded until now his tomb became a place of pilgrimage visited by people from various regions. The public trust that everyone who prayed for something to HER at the tomb of Sheikh Yusuf will be granted his prayer by the Almighty. Dikompleks this cemetery there are graves of loyal followers, located in the district katangka Lakiung Somba Opu about ± 500 meters from the gates of the city limits of Gowa Makassar towards the east.

This museum is one of reconstruction to the old royal palace of Gowa, in the arrangement of wood that has been built in 1936, and has been restored in the years 1978 to 1980, this museum contains items of historical greatness of the kingdom of Gowa like crown royal, a variety of manuscripts, magic weapon , custom clothing, and various collections of tools, equipment ceremonial monarchy. Right Beside the museum has built custom homes Tamalate intended to bring back form Tamalate palace ever built in the heyday of Gowa Kingdom to the XV century with the aim to raise the nation's culture through the development of contextual development.

Source: orbit99tours.blogspot.com/.../pesona-pariwisata-kabupaten-gowa.html

Badik Makassar

      Badik or dagger, a long form with the heading indentation, where the pointy end, and the stem is decorated with lines resembling veins flow from the tip down to the stem kris, which is embedded in the wood called the stomach with the butt.
Keris known as badik lekko pitu, by masyarakata luwu land, south Sulawesi. sometimes believed to be local people to protect them from danger, and made by some male or male local language, as the protector himself.
According to tau luwu trust, or his Indonesian people luwu, if badik lekko pitu, is that it seems he badik made by their fathers who serve as one of the tools of war weaponry, to fight the enemy.
In sulawesi southern or formerly known denagan preserving some areas that have a kingdom, each having a weapon or badik heritage, which to date has been inherited by most of his generation.
If ditana luwu, known as badik lekko pitu, another case in the kingdom of Makassar and Gowa, Makassar and Gowa society, has the local language kalewang badik man, who was named badik Lompo battang.
Called badik Lompo battang, because in the middle or body badik, berbetuk resembling sunken bellies, but the tip remains pointed, usually Lompo battang badik size, slightly larger than other regions badik.
Meanwhile in the kingdom of bone, representing the community bugis or tana Ugi, also has badik called kawali Ugi (Buginese badik). Diaman kawali Ugi, not size, was too long, too simple-shape
The diversity of different kinds badik, of course, not only in the four regions Buginese kingdom, Makassar, Gowa and luwu kingdom, but nearly all areas in south Sulawesi province, has badik with a diversity of form and characteristics of each region.
For the people of Bugis Makassar, South Sulawesi or the public, especially men "bura" ne ", was formerly very mengindentikkan themselves with badik, where badik was used as a symbol of virility" real man ".
Usually if a man Bugis-Makassar, feel humiliated, then there is only one word that they use as a symbol, namely siri "napacce, who sometimes have to finish up with them was a male, who ultimately end up at the end badik.
However, eroded by time and changing civilization, is now only a small fraction of men-bugis makassar, which maintain or mengidentikan himself with badik, this is also due to the rules of laws that prohibit the public carrying badik.