Jumat, 10 Juni 2011

Coto Makassar

Coto Makassar also suspected to have been there Somba Opu (center of the Kingdom of Gowa) debuted in 1538 until terhidangkan in the form of food stalls are now several curb. Serving coto Makassar allegedly affected also by the Chinese food that has come in the 16th century, is visible from the chili sauce used tao-co bogaan ketata part of China that affect the culture ketata bogaan Makassar

Coto Makassar this dish, in a modern flow is classified as a soup dish. When in the tradition of the history of European society that emerged in the era before the industrial revolution in England, soup paired with bread as a booster stomach at night. So Coto Makassar also has become food for the royal guards to fill the stomach at dawn the day before on duty early in the morning day.

Coto Makassar was considered bland when not accompanied by a diamond or burasa. Easement enjoy coto Makassar not apart from the tradition peramuaanya specifically processed in pot soil called or uring Butta Butta surroundings and with rampah patang Pulo (40 kinds of herbs), which consists of peanut, hazelnut, clove, nutmeg, foeli, who sere finely ground, galangal, pepper, onion, garlic, cumin, coriander red, white coriander, ginger, laos, lime leaves, bay leaf, turmeric leaf, green onion, leaf seldri, unhampered leaves, red chilies, green chilies, Talla sugar, tamarind, cinnamon, salt, young papaya to soften the meat, and chalk to clean jerohan.

Typically the strong flavor of the herb rempahnya coto Makassar who also serves as an antidote to the substance contained cholesterol in the liver, tripe, heart, etc. Affluent. This unique flavor of the allegedly bahwak existence tripe soup from Madura, Tegal soto, soto Betawi, inspired by coto Makassar because formerly carried by the sailors kedaerah forging another tsoto are thus suspected that coto Makassar be "older" than the soup at Persada this archipelago.

In Makassar, Coto presented with a variety of prices. From start to USD. 3.500, - per bowl up to Rp. 7000, -, depending on the merchant class. Some of the most well-known merchants such as Coto Coto Crow, Coto Coto Paraikatte Latimojong and is usually packed with visitors since the early morning at around 7. Coto shops are usually open until evening. There are also some stalls who specializes open at night until morning came, his name Coto Bagadang (stay up). The best time to eat Coto it is in the morning until noon, or night until midnight. But that's not the main criterion, because Coto could actually be eaten anytime.

Who does not know coto Makassar. It was very thick beef, spicy, and not too watery. this food can always be found on street corners. However, if you have appetite by coto this one, please make your own, because we have been providing prescription terenak of this coto. Good luck.
• 500 grams of beef, brisket
• 500 grams of tripe, hard boiled
• 300 grams of beef liver, hard boiled
• 200 grams of beef heart, hard boiled
• 5 tablespoons galangal lemongrass crushed memarkan4
• 2 cm ginger crushed
• 5 bay leaves
• 250 grams of peanuts, fried puree
• 2.5 liters of water washing rice / starch
• 1 tablespoon seasoning powder flavor beef broth
• 6 tablespoons vegetable oil
• 10 cloves garlic,
• 8 cloves roasted hazelnut sangrai1 tablespoon coriander
• 1 teaspoon toasted cumin
• 1 tsp salt and
• 1 tsp pepper granules
Complement: fried onions, sliced green onion and sliced celery, chilli taocoHaluskan: 10 onions, 5 cloves garlic, 10 curly chili boiled briefly, 100 grams taoco, saute with 6 tablespoons vegetable oil until cooked, puree add the salt and brown sugar

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